Staff Appraisal System Template (PPRs)


I have used staff appraisal systems all through my working life and whether you are being ‘appraised’ or you are the ‘appraiser’, they are extremely useful for all concerned. 

I took time some years ago to amalgamate all the good things I have seen or used into one system which I called ‘Personal Performance Reviews (PPRs) and since then I have used them in my own businesses and also helped other business owners to use the PPR system in theirs. The format dovetails nicely into the other systems I am recommending that you consider using and full details and a description of how to use the forms is provided in chapter 10.

However, in short, each team member needs to understand what they are being asked to do and the skills, competencies and knowledge they need to have or acquire so that they can work in the desired way to achieve the tasks they have been set. 

When this information is known, shared and the progress is monitored with actions being taken to ensure that the business operations, performance and profitability stays on track, there is a much higher likelihood of achieving the business’s objectives.

What the PPR system gives leaders, managers and staff is a more formal opportunity to pause and reflect, in what is normally an extremely busy world, to question what is good and what is not so good (on both sides). Also, what needs to be changed and what new ideas could be brought into play. 

PPR helps to clarify what training is required and gives an understanding of future job roles and promotions etc. 

Team leaders will have better and more reliable staff to rely on and be able to confidently delegate to them, which means that they will have more time to concentrate on making sure that their team or department objectives are achieved (or even exceeded), thus ultimately providing a WIN- WIN- WIN, for the appraiser, the appraisee and the business as a whole.


Price (VAT is not applicable)

The price of the Word PPR template system is £20. Please note that a free Personal Development Plan (PDP) template document will also be included with your purchase. This is a ‘road map’ to help ensure that any proposed ‘development’ in the PPR process actually happens! This will be available from the 1st of October 2024. 


Terms and Conditions of Use

Each PPR template purchased can be used multiple times, but only by the purchaser for one single franchisee business. A condition of the purchase is that the contents of the template purchased is copyright and it must not therefore be copied, given to or used by any other person or legal entity for use as a template for any other business.

If a franchisor wishes to buy the template for multiple use within a network and requires a price quotation they should email 

Any purchaser or user of this template acknowledges and accepts that the use of it does not guarantee that a business will be successful and the author of ‘The Franchise Business Journey’ and this PPR template specifically disclaims all responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, that is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of their use and/or application. Your ultimate success or failure will be the result of your own efforts, your particular situation, and many other circumstances.

The Franchise Business Journey

Start - Build Value - Sell

Chris Roberts © 2024

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